Dental Promotions and Savings by Hanford Dentist, Dr. Jason Albano
New promotions will be added continuously. Check back regularly or like us on Facebook to be the first to know when new promotions become available!
The Giving Tree
The Office of Dr. Jason Albano prides ourselves on doing all that we can to give you the beautiful, healthy smile you have always wanted. Great dentistry is a partnership between the patient and his/her dental professionals. Without our amazing patients, we could not be doing what we love. As a "thank you" to our wonderful patients, we will award 2 special patients each month with a gift card off our giving tree. Every patient who completes their appointment in the office can enter to win! Every month, 2 names will be drawn from eligible entries and those patients will be able to pick a gift card off our giving tree. Keep watch on our Facebook page each month to see who wins! Cards will be continuously added. Which one do you want? Don't forget to put your name in the drawing before you leave.

Please don't hesitate to contact us for additional questions you may have!